So, when I got Jenelle from daycare yesterday, her caregiver mentioned that she had been lethargic all day. I dismissed it thinking it was this heat, but took her temperature anyway - 100.8. I gave her some Motrin and she was happy. This morning, her temperature was 102. No other symptoms, just a fever. Thinking I didn't want things to get worse if it was an ear infection, I called her doctor to see if they could get her in. We saw the doctor this afternoon, and Jenelle is now being tested for H1N1 or more affectionately known as the Swine Flu. We will not have results until Monday or Tuesday.
With my starting chemo pill maintenance two weeks ago, you can imagine my concerns. I had labs drawn on Wednesday, but the results have not yet been faxed to my doctor. I spoke to my oncologist about Jenelle, and she was going to prescribe Tamiflu as a precaution - but like everything else in this world, I am allergic to Tamiflu (took it once and had a severe rash and some breathing problems.) So now we are just hoping Jenelle does not have a positive result, and that she hasn't passed it to me.
I have been doing really well with the pills - no reactions so far. I have some fatigue here and there, but it comes and goes. I am getting stronger every day and really feel I might be ready to get back to work! I see my doctor on Thursday and will know more.
Brett is having shoulder surgery on Tuesday the 8th. This is something he has needed to have done for some time, and should be a quick outpatient procedure. Fortunately, Jack is well and only faking illness so he can miss his first day of school this Monday. Where did summer go?
Please keep Jenelle in your prayers. As you can imagine, any illness for her is always scary as it can get out of hand very quickly. And of course, we want some stay well prayers for me as well. I am getting so close to getting back to normal, I can taste it. I wouldn't want this to slow it down!
Thanks again - I'll keep you posted.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Light the Night

A very good friend of mine from many years working together is participating this weekend in the "Light the Night" fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Victoria Craig and her husband Darrell are going to be walking around Anaheim Stadium (lucky bums!) on Saturday for this event. Victoria is dedicating her walk to me.
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society has been helpful to many families including mine. The funds raised help individuals with travel to doctor's appointments, prescription co-pay assistance, and of course research and support groups. I personally have found the on-line support group to be very helpful. And I know that without the research funds, there might not have been a cure for my cancer.
Please help this worthy cause and follow this link to donate and support Victoria's walk in my honor. Victoria's Donor Page
Thank you all so much!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
And we begin... again...
I started the chemo pills last night and am weaning off Predisone. Other than a slight headache today (which could be something else entirely) all is good so far! I am to have a blood draw to check my counts and my immune system on August 24, and am scheduled to see my oncologist on September 3. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes well!
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Just waiting
Well, we think my rash may have been caused by the phlebotomist. It mainly stayed in the crease of my elbow where they had drawn blood. I forgot to tell him that I was allergic to latex, so we're pretty sure that was the culprit. I've been on daily predisone, and the rash is almost all gone. I am to call UCLA on Monday for more instructions and it is possible I will be starting the chemo pills soon.
I have a lot of energy now but am just waiting to see how the new chemo affects me. If I handle it well, I should be back to work very soon. My boss insists I start on a Thursday to give myself a couple of days to catch up, and we all agree I should start part time at first. So life is slowly returning to normal.
Jenelle is doing really well in her new class. In just a few weeks I've already noticed a huge difference in her. She is more patient, and she has a new word - "ba ba". Getting closer to "Da Da" which would thrill Brett to no end. Her school is teaching her to control her tantrums and I've definitely noticed a difference. She is growing up for sure!
Thanks for the continued prayers! I'll keep you posted!
I have a lot of energy now but am just waiting to see how the new chemo affects me. If I handle it well, I should be back to work very soon. My boss insists I start on a Thursday to give myself a couple of days to catch up, and we all agree I should start part time at first. So life is slowly returning to normal.
Jenelle is doing really well in her new class. In just a few weeks I've already noticed a huge difference in her. She is more patient, and she has a new word - "ba ba". Getting closer to "Da Da" which would thrill Brett to no end. Her school is teaching her to control her tantrums and I've definitely noticed a difference. She is growing up for sure!
Thanks for the continued prayers! I'll keep you posted!
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