Friday, March 06, 2009

Round 3 Delayed

I just got the news from UCLA that Round 3 of chemo is going to be delayed for a week. The lab results from yesterday's blood draw are not yet available and apparently my insurance has not yet approved Round 3. I received notice last week that COBRA was going into effect for my insurance as of March 1, but that I have until the end of April to start paying. I think that may be a cause for the authorization delay. UCLA decided it was best to wait another week so they could have more time to work with my insurance. I am happy with this decision as it will give me more time at home and hopefully more time for my happy pills to take effect. ;)

This Sunday there is going a Happy Hour/Silent Auction Fundraiser on our behalf at the Auld Irisher in Orange. One of my best friends since college, Erin Armstrong, approached us in January with this idea. We were hesitant at first, but Erin insisted that many people wanted to help us out and that we should let them during this time in our lives. Erin has done all the planning, and I'm sure the event will be a lot of fun. Brett and I have constantly wondered if we have done enough in our lives to be so deserving of such friendship and charity. We are overwhelmed and so very grateful at the outpouring of love we have received. We hope to stop by for a little bit on Sunday and thank our wonderful friends in person.

Please email me of you are local and would like information on Sunday's event. Thank you again for your continued thoughts and prayers. I'll keep you posted. KCA!


Army of Mom said...

Good luck with that sweets. Why are you having to do Cobra? Was there a job change with you or your husband? I hope all is ok.

Your Texas prayer warriors are still stepping up to the plate for you. :)

Anonymous said...

Woohoo for more time with family at home! Woohoo for friends helping!

Boohoo for any medical decisions being made for any reason but kicking cancer.

Kristen said...

We're praying, Kel. Enjoy your extra time at home. I hope this weekend is a huge success!