The photo above was taken with my cell phone today of the chemo med I got via IV. It's called Mitoxantrone (mye-toe-ZAN-trone) and yes, it's "smurf" blue. Very strange to say the least.
We drove to UCLA today to begin Round 3 of outpatient chemotherapy and we lucked out with Brett getting my appointments moved to an earlier time of 10:00 a.m. However, tonight I had a message moving my appointment tomorrow to noon, but no word on the rest of the week. Please pray it stays at 10:00 because that works best for the rest of the people lined up to drive me to UCLA and back. Tomorrow I am traveling with my Aunt Joanne and Uncle Jim. I am looking forward to catching up!
I got to see my oncologist today as she stopped by to give me a prescription. Dr. Territo thinks that my counts could be down to zero as early as Friday (meaning I will be admitted then) or Monday. We're hoping for Monday so I can have two extra days at home as this weekend is crazy busy. As it turns out, the chemo I am getting this Round will drop my counts quicker, and require a longer recovery. I'm told to expect a 3 to 4 week hospital stay. Oh joy!
Dr. Territo also got to settle an argument between me and Brett. In the last week, Brett announced that I had 2 more "rounds" of chemo after this one. I didn't like that idea to say the least, and was pretty sure I had one more round. Needless to say, always bet on the wife! I was correct and after this round, I will have one more IV round of chemo, then once I've fully recovered, I will be able to return to work (possibly late July!)
I know many of my wonderful co-workers will be happy to hear that (and believe it or not, I miss work too!) Speaking of which, last week the doorbell rang and a messenger gave me a box of daffodils that my co-workers purchased and sent to me to help lift my spirits! At least 12 vases in all with three teddy bears all benefiting the America Cancer Society in honor of their Daffodil Days! To my surprise, the daffodils bloomed the very next day and we are currently enjoying a burst of yellow in the kitchen! Thank you all for thinking of me, it truly brightened my day!
That is all for now - I will update when I can! KCA!
Ahh, if it were me going thru chemo you can BET I'd know exactly how many rounds I had left! LOL.
You are in my thoughts fairly often... out of the blue something will remind me of you and your family.
Nothing beats real flowers! And being right! I'm sure Brett was happy to be incorrect on that issue.
Prayers ongoing. Barbara
that is sooo blue!!! UNREAL! I can't believe that stuff goes into you. Does it turn purple when it hits your blood? :)
THINKING OF YOU...Hope you get to be home over the weekend.
I hope, too, that you get to spend the weekend at home. Family can be the best medicine sometimes! You put things into perspective for me. I was frustrated today working in the yard and refereeing arguments between the kids. I'm thinking you'd give your left arm to be home working in the garden with fighting kids rather than being there, doing that.
You and your family are constantly in our thoughts and prayers!
Hang in there Kelly. I have been thinking of you lots lately. Hoping this round goes smoothly for you.
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