Friday, January 30, 2009

Update Day 3

Two chemo doses down, two to go and I'm still feeling very good, so I thought I'd update while I can. I'm reuniting with a lot of the same nurses from last time and everyone has been thrilled to see me doing so well. I guess when I arrived last November, and going through induction chemo, I looked pretty pale and sickly. It's wonderful to hear their observations and encouragement.

My Mom is staying with me right now and we've enjoyed catching up. The plan is that I will get my last dose of chemo on Saturday night (they administer it in the evening so I can sleep through most of it) and will be discharged on Sunday. Starting Monday, I will have a home health nurse come to the house each day to draw blood and flush my PICC line (which will be staying with me for about a month). Once my white blood cell and platelet levels drop and I become neutropenic, I will be sent back to the hospital to stay until the levels come back. This should be about 2 to 3 weeks. Hopefully shorter! ;)

So far I'm sleeping a bit more than normal, but my energy level is good. I had a reaction to some of the tape they used on my PICC line in that I broke out in blisters, but so far no rash! (knock on wood!) They have given me an antibiotic ointment for the blisters, but they are really very minor. Also, the nausea is at bay for now, so that is good. Those meds must be working.

Thanks for the continued prayers - I'll update again if I can.



Army of Mom said...

Good news. I'm glad to know you're doing as well as possible.

Fantastagirl said...

Sounds like everything is going as it should! Sending you many hugs, smiles and prayers!


Laura said...

Continued best wishes at your journey through chemo hopefully comes to an end. I love your fighting sprit and thank you for sharing.

Elizabeth said...

I have been visiting your blog off and on and am so happy that you're doing better. I, too, live in southern California and have a daughter who has a seizure disorder. In fact, she reminds me a lot of your little Jenelle! I look forward to reading more and send you so many good wishes and prayers and strength.

Me said...

I just saw your twitter notice - welcome home!!!

I gave a sad smile and shook my head to read about the tape reaction. I was hoping you wouldn't get those or the blisters.

I seem to be reliving my Mom's chemo days through you and your updates. You are doing awesome!

Keep it up chica - we're all pulling for you!

Anonymous said...

Love from our snowmen here in the tundra. Thinking of you all.