Friday, December 21, 2007

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!

First, an update - Jenelle will be having her spinal tap to test for Neurotransmitter Disease on December 27! Dr. Chang tells me that unlike genetic test results which can take weeks to come back, we should have these results within days! Jenelle will be sedated for this procedure, so please say an extra prayer for us that she does not have a reaction or complication with the anesthesia. Here's hoping we get some answers, or at least rule out one more thing!

Peace to you all as you enjoy your families this time of year. I want to take this opportunity to extend wonderful holiday wishes and a Merry Christmas to you all.

Click on the photo above to enlarge it.


Anonymous said...

What a great Christmas Card. I love it! Such good photos! Jenelle, we will be thinking about you and praying for you on the 27th. I hope you might have some answers! Happy Holidays!!

MoonNStarMommy said...

I hope that Jenelle's spinal tap goes well and you get the answers quick... she is such an adorable little girl!! My Noah and her are about the same age... I'm thinking about starting a seperate blog for all the stuff going on with my kids, 2 out of 3 of them are rather major unique flowers :)