Monday, October 23, 2023

RNS Placement - Day 7 "Downloading Jenelle"

Day 7 - Jenelle had a better day today. We think some of the pain she complains about might actually be gas… due to the antibiotics and new formula. So I thought now would be a good time to explain our “homework” with the RNS. At her surgery, we were given a laptop with a wand to “download” the data from the device in her head. Each night I download the data, then we upload it to her doctor’s office every Sunday. Right now, the RNS is not turned on to deliver electrical stimulation, but rather to gather data similar to an EEG. After they have enough data, the doctor will turn on the RNS to best target her seizure areas. Pretty cool huh?

🤓 enjoy the video.

💜 #lennoxgastautsyndrome #lgs #rnssystem #neuropace #epilepsy #specialneedskids

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