Sunday, October 22, 2023

HAPPY BIRTHDAY and RNS Placement Day 6

Day 6 - Happy 21st Birthday Jenelle!

Recovery at home has been okay. Jenelle seems to be experiencing more pain, and swelling and is getting Tylenol more frequently. Her incisions look great and she sleeps well all night. We are taking it easy and trying to keep her comfortable. We uploaded the data from her device last night and we are learning how to collect it as well with the lap top. The handbook recommends that her RNS is not compatible with the use of stun guns or near jackhammers among other things.

Here is our cute new 21 year old - cute shirt from Aunt Norma and Uncle Dave!

Thank you for continued thoughts and prayers. Praying it gets easier for her every day! 🥰💜 #lennoxgastautsyndrome #lgs #rnssystem #neuropace

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