Friday was the last day of school for Jenelle - her school gets the month of August off. On Friday, the school held their annual "Awards and Promotion" ceremony. Everyone gets an award, and some of them are quite moving to witness. One child got an award for "most improved vision tracking", another for most improved "holding objects without throwing them" (and she didn't throw the award when they handed it to her), and some were for things most typical parents wouldn't understand like "using the board to make a choice from a field of 8."
While we suspected Jenelle might get an award for the "Biggest Drama Queen", her award was for "Improving her Ability to Interact with Her Environment by Reaching out and Touching Things!" (aka she is starting to use her hands!) Here is Miss Jenelle getting her award with her teacher Miss Darlene. Jenelle will continue at this school for one more year, then onto Kindergarten!
Well congratulations to Miss Jenelle! I'm praying for her.
Yeah Jenelle, good for you!!!
Way to go!!! I know I'd be super proud if Caitlyn recieved that award! What a star!!!!
The site looks great!
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