Thursday, March 08, 2007

The 2007 Epilepsy Freedom Walk!

$375. That is how close we came last year to meeting our team goal of $10,000. We were short, $375. Wouldn't it be amazing this year if we could make $10,375? ;)

The time has come to point out that the little link on my side bar for the 2007 Epilepsy Freedom Walk has been activated. If you click on it - it will link you to our team page. Or you could click here just as easily.

Our team is named "Jenelle's Avocados" because at our first Freedom Walk in 2004, a sweet little boy from Virginia joined our team and held a lemonade stand to raise money for Team Jenelle and the Freedom Walk. At the time he said wanted to be an "avocado" for Jenelle! What he really meant to say was that he wanted to be her "advocate" and now that he is much older, he gets a little embarrassed by this story - but we still love him and the name has stuck!

Jenelle has suffered with Epilepsy all of her 4 short years of life. Despite daily seizures, she continues to amaze us with new achievements and skills. Our life became a living hell when Jenelle was first diagnosed with seizures. Thankfully that time in our life is slowly becoming a blur - but we will never forget the support we got and continue to receive from the wonderful families involved in the Epilepsy Alliance of Orange County. This walk if their biggest fundraiser and we are honored to help support this worthy cause.

Please help us if you can: Join our team! Sign up as a virtual walker or join us if you are in the area - then send out an email to your family and friends asking for their support! Or please make a donation to Jenelle or one of our team members! And even if you can't donate your money or can't sign up for the team, please simply help us spread the word!

Thank you for your anticipated support!


yours truly B said...

Kelly hi I am glad you came by my blog. yes my son has special needs too and I do respite for special needs kids and in July I will be a foster mom to a severly Autistic girl. I have had to retrain myself with the issues with my son but I think you are doing a great job and I will keep you and Jenelle in my prayers.

yours truly B said...

Kelly I actually have two blogs the one I signed in with honeysuckle thoughts but habermans habits is the one you visited anyway just wanted to clear that up.